Rolling Stone Magazine nennt es eins der acht besten Logos der letzten Jahre: Das FedEx Logo hat mehr als Preise gewonnen. Seine Genialität beruht auf der Nutzung von Leerraum. Erkennen Sie den Pfeil? Er wird durch die Buchstaben E und X gebildet und steht für Geschwindigkeit, Richtung und Präzision. The FedEx wordmark is notable for containing a hidden right-pointing arrow in the negative space between the E and the X, which was achieved by designing a proprietary font, based on Univers and Futura, to emphasize the arrow shape.
The FedEx logo has been known as one of the most commercially successful examples of the use of negative space. Due to the white arrow that can be noticed between the letters “E” and “X”, the logo has received more than design awards. Below are the different colors used in the Fedex Logo.
We have also listed the rbg code , which is the amount of re green, and blue that is combined in various proportions to obtain that particular color. Can you spot the arrow? Tesla- Logo : Nicht einfach ein T - sondern der Querschnitt eines Elektromotors Wir haben sie täglich vor Augen - und trotzdem entfalten die weltbekannten Logos vieler Unternehmen erst auf den.
This color combination was created by user Keshav. The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below. Note: English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes. The orange Ex logo now used as the FedEx Express wordmark. Im FedEx- Logo treffen die Punzen der Buchstaben „E“ und „x“ so aufeinander, dass sie einen nach rechts weisenden Pfeil bilden.
Dieser bewusst erzeugte Effekt entzieht sich verblüffenderweise praktisch jedem Betrachter. FedEx account, get your tracking status, find a FedEx near you, learn more about how to become a better shipper, get online print offers, or get inspiration for your small business needs. Große Auswahl kostenfreier Logo -Vorlagen für die unterschiedlichsten Branchen! Our logo maker allows you to change the color of your logos.

Riesenauswahl an Markenqualität. Folge Deiner Leidenschaft bei eBay! Also, it was mentioned in the top-best emblems by Rolling Stone magazine. The FedEx Logo is a prime example of superb ubiquity and inspiring symbolism. Widely regarded as one of the greatest logos ever designe it has won many prestigious design awards.
Creative logo designed by Judd Madden for EConsulting. Brilliant logo designed for a ski resort represents a mammoth, a mountain, and even a ski trail. Negative space between the letters “E” and “X” creates an arrow.
Cinq lettres, deux couleurs. Pourtant, en y regardant de plus près, on remarque une flèche blanche dissimulée. The amount of thought and work that goes behind the seemingly simplest of logos would boggle the mind of any advertising outsider. Most of the logos have no hidden meaning.
Federal Express becomes Fed Ex. Put them in the proper font. And voila: you have a well-known brand. But FedEx has long used color to differentiate which branch of their business their logo is representing.

It denotes which fedex it is… The original company which is the Express service has the EX in orange The old RPS that was bought has been converted to the Ground shipping and they have the EX in bright green The Home delivery company which is sort. FedEx Company Slogan, Mission statement and Vision statement. FedEx company description and information. A leading business in the Mail, Package and Freight Delivery.
Trotzdem wirken viele Logos auf den ersten Blick schlicht und manchmal sogar langweilig. Hin und wieder lohnt sich aber auch ein zweiter Blick auf die Logos , denen Sie tagtäglich begegnen. Oder wussten Sie, dass das Logo der Firma Cisco eine Liebeserklärung an eine Stadt ist und sich im Toblerone- Logo ein Tier versteckt?

The revised Code of Conduct can be accessed at the link below and a summary of the revisions can be found here. BrandColors was created by DesignBombs. The goal was to create a helpful reference for the brand color codes that are needed most often.
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